Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Reason #5: I am kind of a big deal already.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thank you. Thankyouverymuch.
- Kendra, my roommate, for putting up with my shenanigans for all these months, making the yummiest brownies in the whole wide world, and weathering her own job search woes with grace
- Kirsten, for her unflagging support, seemingly endless tolerance for bellyaching about unemployment, and superior cover letter proofreading skills
- Renata, for listening, cracking jokes, cooking, being weird, being studious, and for knowing me almost better than I know myself
- Cady, for her patience, wry humor, generosity with chocolate samples, and limitless knowledge about all things San Francisco
- Jack, for letting me invade his store, complain vociferously about unemployment, and then feeding me when I was finished complaining
- Joseph, for being an appreciative eater and offering sound advice
- Ryan, for introducing me to the joys of dark and stormies, pool, The Office, and 30 Rock, and for being a rock
- Leticia, for giving me great advice and amazing volunteer opportunities, and for sending me the nicest email in the history of the world
- Marcela, for her brilliant conversation and vote of confidence in this blog (and in me!)
- Julia, for her contagious optimism, sense of adventure, and fabulous style
- Eugene, my favorite phone tag partner, for his candor, generosity, and fine story-telling
- Diana, Jess, Sayd, Ana, Lexy, Katie, and especially Aston, for staying in touch and regaling me with excellent stories of post-grad life
- Kendell, Whitney, Kim, Zoe, Julia, and Liz, for telling me about their adventures and reminding me that I've had several of my own
- Kate, Maddie, Rennie, Liza, and Juliet, for commiserating with job-search woes and for sending me job postings
- Tom, Jenn, Lauren, Caroline, Paula, and Karen, for their fabulous messages of support
- Tito, for leaving the best comments (and also phone messages) and for being my brother
- Thea, for her sass, sense of humor, ability to mimic just about anyone, and general cheerfulness, and also for being my sister
- Jorge and Marisa, respectively, for discount sushi and never getting impatient with my lack of tech skills, and for passing job opportunities my way
- Emilie, for mad pie-baking skills, sending me job opportunities, and being the coolest Wisconsinite around
- Leigh, for putting the "leigh" in "leader" (Get it? It's like a joke, but not as funny), overseeing an amazing internship, and continuing to send along job postings
- Ninive, for taking a chance on hiring me and introducing me to wide and wonderful world of development
- Uncle John and Aunt Isa, for thinking about me, introducing me to some wonderful people, and just generally being super-cool
- Phil, for giving me the most insightful informational interview I've ever had
- Katie, for her incredible kindness and for making time for me, despite a grueling schedule
- Laura, for her sharp insights into and deep knowledge of the nonprofit world, and for explaining, finally, what the field of communications is actually about
- Milton, for his tireless assistance in sending me job postings, forwarding me connections, and just generally motivating me to keep looking
- Susan, for being a source of inspiration and sending me bajillions of job opportunities in Austin
- My parents, for their constant encouragement and support, and for getting me into the habit of writing thank-you notes
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Food for Thought
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Experiencing technical difficulties
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Mission Mission is my hero.
This is why I care so much about doing good work.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Should I stay or should I go?
Albert Einstein once defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,” and it occurred to me one morning last week that I’ve essentially been driving myself insane out here. It’s exhausting to be on the lookout for jobs all the time; it’s exhausting trying to figure out how to spend my days when I don’t have freelance work; it’s exhausting never to be able to plan anything more than two weeks in advance; and it’s beyond exhausting when none of it gets me anywhere. I sort of hoped that once I graduated college I’d morph into some sort of bohemian who could just go with the flow and embrace uncertainty, and while I’ve gone from being a type A+ to a type A- or maybe even a type B+, it turns out that I’m still me, and that means I need a routine and a sense of direction, two things I definitely lack out here.
(UPDATE: After writing that, it occurred to me that I actually had no idea whether or not I’m a type A. I just took a personality test online, and apparently I am smack in the middle of type A and type B. This means I am well-balanced and easy to be around. Sweet. Now hire me so I can share my healthy attitude and general charm with your office!)
I can’t pinpoint precisely when I decided it might be time to stop trying to make it out here, but I woke up one morning about a week ago feeling too drained to plunk myself down in a cafe and get excited about jobs that always turn out to be dead ends. I don’t know that things will be better in Austin, but I’m ready for a bit of sanity and stability and I don’t think I’m going to find them in San Francisco. Moreover, Texas isn’t broke; I know people over the age of 30 and therefore have at least a shot of doing some networking; and Austin isn’t a mecca for highly ambitious recent college grads in quite the same way San Francisco is. Plus my family’s there, and I miss them.
So now what? At what point do I give up? Doesn’t it seem like there should be some kind of guidebook for making this choice? If I go there could be trouble, but if I stay it will be double (or even triple, as I could continue driving myself insane for months). The only thing I can imagine making me feel better about making this impossible choice would be if I could smash my Fender against a stage in front of an adoring crowd after I'd reached a decision.
Since that seems unlikely, I guess I'll just go watch another episode of Freaks and Geeks, which finally came via Netflix yesterday. I can't even describe how much I already love this show. I’ve only gotten through the first two episodes, but I’m already dreading the day when I get to the end of the season. It’s that good.